
Revealing the Concealed

Purim Message by Nalini Ibragimov - Purim Sameyach! Megillat Esther translates into the Revelation of that which is Hidden.The ultimate concealment in this world is, of course, the concealment of the Creator Himself. In fact, Megillat Esther is the only book in all 24 books of...

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Adar the Month of Happiness

By Nalini Ibragimov It's interesting that the founding fathers of this country highlighted happiness as one of every American's inalienable rights. Clearly, there is a natural desire to seek happiness and yet, we so often get confused, distracted and sidetracked by feelings of pleasure.My favorite...

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Tu B’Shvat: The Cure Before the Malady

by: Nalini Ibragimov There is a well-known statement of our Sages that God sends the remedy before the ailment. This past week, the Torah reading of parshat Bo, described the last three plagues that the Egyptians had to bear. The eighth plague was arbeh, locusts, which...

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The New Year for the trees

There is a debate in the Talmud as to when exactly is the new year for the trees. We follow the opinion that the new year is on the 15th of Shevat but the dissenting opinion is that it is today, the first of Shevat....

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The Month of Tevet and the Greeks

by Nalini Ibragimov I’m not one for war games but if I was a warrior, I think I would be all in and set out to destroy. Given that context, I find it interesting that the Greek army, which was renowned for their strength and...

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The Month of Kislev

by Nalini Ibragimov I was listening to a number of eulogies and interviews this past week, trying to connect to the souls of our two great spiritual leaders who passed on to the next world - Rabbi Dovid Feinstein of the Lower East Side in...

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Mar Cheshvan

Our month is referred to as Mar Cheshvan, Bitter Cheshvan. That's a pretty harsh description. And to describe it as such from the outset. Who says good things can't happen this month?!We are taught that each month corresponds to a hebrew letter. The letter nun characterizes the...

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The Month of Elul

Elul is a very interesting month. On the one hand it’s a very spiritually charged month. It’s called Chodesh HaRachamim, the month of mercy, when the 13 Attributes of Mercy were revealed to us. It’s also called the month of selichot, forgiveness. But on the other...

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Tu B’Shevat – the New year for the Trees

by Nalini Ibragimov Happy Tu b'Shevat, the new year of the trees! On Tu b'Shevat, we often reference the verse in the Torah which compares a man to a tree of the field. Some have the custom to partake in the festivites with a tu b'Shevat...

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Chodesh Shevat

Chodesh tov - Shevat is here! I’m feeling the energy today with the gift of some spring-like weather in New York for this time of year, with a promise of rejuvenation around the corner. I can sense the sap rising. The astrological sign of this month...

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