
The Month of Kislev

by Nalini Ibragimov

Women are found at turning points again and again. Sometimes centerfold. But often they can be found just behind the curtain, pulling the strings, adjusting the lights, and setting the stage for things to happen. They are the pillars of the home, pillars of the Jewish people. They are the support system for every entity in Jewish life. So naturally they played a critical role in the unfolding of the Chanukah story as well.

Each month is associated with a Hebrew letter and the letter samech is associated with Kislev. Samech means to support, to depend upon. The letter samech is a circle because it represents being completely ensconced and protected. Of course, women are associated with the letter samech as well. So often, we play that role of support for those around us.

Similarly, the root word of Kislev is kesel, an expression of trust, faith and hope, something to lean on for support. Iyov states, Im samti zahav kisli, did I put my faith in gold?

Kislev is a month conducive to Emunah, to faith. In the face of extensive darkness, this is a month where faith has the strength to overcome. Life is full of challenges. I often have to catch myself waiting for this obstacle to come to a resolution or that milestone to pass. But we are here to grow and growth comes from challenge and the effort put forth in overcoming those obstacles. Knowing I’m not alone and that God is not only with me but carrying me gives me the ability to move forward.

Women have an additional capacity when it comes to the quality of faith. The word Emunah, is a feminine word, containing its root Em, mother. Our faith is nurtured by our mothers, and all of the Jewish women who have carried heavy burdens, yet pushed through, remaining steadfast in their mission.

Kislev is the month to tenaciously deepen our emunah. For some, it may be in the realm of finding the right man to marry or the appropriate job for security. For others, the proper friends for growth, or the hopes and prayers for my present and future family. Whatever aspect of my life demands Emunah, this is the month to draw forth that support.

May this Kislev be illuminated with the light of emunah, belief and connection to God, giving each of us the strength to push forward knowing we are secure in His embrace. And never alone. Chodesh tov and Shabbat shalom!

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