A Prayer for Yom Kippur
by Rabbi Avraham Edelstein
On this day you have access to your Holy of Holies, your inner most chamber in your heart, the place where you want only goodness and pure service of G-d with nothing in the way and no distractions.
I want to express my deepest yearning to return to my most pure and beautiful essence. My deepest Teshuva, Return to G-d
Yom Kipur yearning
To remove all the choices and obstacles that are in the way of fulfilling Hashem’s vision.
I stand before You, the Creator of the Universe, my loving Father, I want to want to be attached to You and be the pure, noble and beautiful person You created me to be and to fulfil Your great vision for my life;
I don’t want any distractions, mistaken choices or the pain of the past to stand in the way.
Please help me transcend anything that is holding me back.
Please gently help me repair whatever needs fixing. Not just for my own sake but for the sake of the people in my life, the Jewish nation and humanity.
Please open my heart to turn to Youlike never before.
Please help me understand Your loving answers.
I want today to be the dawn of a new era in my life. Hashem, You know what I’m facing inside and outside, please help me”.
Focus for the Neila prayer:
Your Rosh Hashana yearning , to live in a world in which G-d is your loving King and He defines what is and isn’t possible in your life.
1. Hashem, You have an incredible vision for all of humanity and for me. I want to fulfill Your vision of greatness for me more and more. Please show me what I most need to see gently.
2. Please help me realize how intrinsically worthy I am and uniquely beloved to You, Hashem. please help me recognize the exalted divine essence within me and identify myself with it.
3. I want to recognize the blessings in my life and see the totality of the lifeYou gave me, the pain and the joy, as an expression of Your love. Please fill my heart with gratitude.
4. I want to transcend my greatest obstacles to fulfill Your vision for me. Please help me partner with You and go from a place of constraints to a place of expansiveness.
5. Please bless me with all the resources I need to fulfill Your vision for me. (health, clarity, relationships, a job, place to live etc.)
6. Please help me know how to use my unique gifts, blessings, resources and all my life circumstances to fulfill Your incredible vision for me. Help me express my unique calling.
7. I want to make You King by living myself more according to Your Definition of reality and Your instructions for living. Please guide me.
8. I resolve that I want to be connected to You, Hashem, as the source of my wellbeing in life. And not rely on ANYTHING or ANYONE else. Please help me remember that no one else has power. Please draw me closer to You gently like never before.
9. I resolve that this moment is the dawn of a new era in my life.